Not Enough Said

Plan for Countywide School District Consolidation = Fayette Forward Strategic Plan

Blog Posts for April 2011
Blog Posts for May 2011
Blog Posts for June 2011
Blog Posts for July 2011
Blog posts for August 2011
Blog Posts for September 2011
Radio Talk Show Host Fails to Study School Consolidation for Fayette County Study
Not Enough Said project of: Net the Truth Online
Rep. Mahoney Reading Not Enough Said? Poses Study Could Show No Savings by Admin. Consolidation?
Fayette Special: Model for Other Power Grabbing PA State Legislators to Follow
PA Rep. Tim Mahoney Proposal to House Education Cmte Shows Goal To Wrest Local Control
County-wide School District Legislation Allows Board of Commissioners Authority to Equalize District
Not Enough Said on This Issue Site per Proposal for Fayette Vo-Tech/STEM Center
Confirmation Why Herald-Standard Didn't Question Rep. About His Advisory Committee
Plan for Countywide School District Consolidation = Fayette Forward Strategic Plan
Report PA School Consolidation Cost Effectiveness
Rep. Mahoney Claims After Consolidation Savings 15% to 20% Where We Ask?
Is Rep. Tim Mahoney About to Change Structure of School Administration All on His Own?
Herald-Standard & Rep. Tim Mahoney in League to Bait & Switch Public
Candidates for School Directors On the Fence or Supportive Urged to View Wealth of Critical Studies
Herald-Standard Disappointed School Board Candidates Not All Rosey County Consolidation
Study: consolidation of school districts into larger units leads to higher dropout rate!
We Can Hear It Now Some of my Opponents Don't Want The People To Decide
We Can Hear it Now: Are You Against the People Deciding Consolidation Choice
Report PA School Boards Association Study on Consolidation 2009
Cost Savings Claimed 2 Years Before Local Study Begins Now Claim Lowered!
Bid Process? Study Weighted to Cost-Savings Due to Results for Center & Monaca Consolidations?
Does Consolidation into Large District Save Costs?
Did Merged Districts Hold True to Standard & Poor Study: Taxes May Rise in 1 District
Merged Monaca & Center School Districts Less than 2,999 Students!
First Eliminate School Property Taxes, Candidate Says, Then We'll See @ Consolidation?
Central Valley School District: Archetype for (Fayette) County-wide Consolidation?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Students?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Rural Community?
No Public Referendum Required for Two or More School Districts to Merge
PA Economy League Report Municipal and School District Functional Mergers & Structural Consolidation
Experts Slam Consolidation Small/Medium Size Districts into Larger One
Not Enough Said Requests Talk Show Host Read Standard & Poor Study
Legislation Designed to Enable Boards of County Commissioners Power to Place Measure on Ballot
Article: PA Legislators Push Plans for School Consolidation
Fayette School Director Candidates Take Opposing View of Countywide Consolidation Plan
Get It Spot On and Don't Cover Up When You Don't
Unified Countywide School District for "Taxation Purposes"
Uniformity in the Course of Study in the Schools of the Several Grades
Rep. Mahoney Meets With Herald Standard Editorial Board
PA Dept. of Ed. Retirees Now Education Management Group Consultants to Conduct Study
Promise Local Sub-districts in Countywide School Retain Local Identity
Book of Quotes by Not Enough Said
Links per county-wide school consolidation issue
Contact Me
Stop Uniform Curriculum County-Wide School Consolidation Power Grab
Fayette County Commissioner Candidates Responses to School Regionalization Question
Tribune-Review article per PA school consolidation legislation
Article: Region to Benefit from 2 New STEM Education Centers
Herald-Standard Article: Unity between Business and Education Needed in Fayette County
Marcellus Shale Gas Program of Interest Not an Endorsement
Radio Talk Show Host: Gas Impact Concerns Citizens Demand DEP Resolve
Votefix will be providing an update soon

There is no room for doubt that Fayette County's Strategic Plan as developed by Fay-Penn Economic Development Council and state Rep. Tim Mahoney's Plan for a countywide school district, including one vocational technical (career technical) school and one cyber school, etc. is carried out by legislation the state Rep. has proposed in House Bill 351  

PA state Representative Tim Mahoney (D-51st) House Bill 351
Proposal would have one administration run county's six school districts Friday, April 8, 2011

When it comes to education in Fayette County, state Rep. Tim Mahoney said he believes a one-for-all approach is the answer.

A mix of education officials, area business owners and community organization leaders met with Mahoney on Friday to discuss his proposed resolution that calls for the consolidation of administrations and business operations of the public school districts in the county...

...Mahoney said in addition to consolidating administrative personnel, cyber schools, alternative schools, vocational-technical schools, transportation and other resources could be shared among the districts, providing a solidarity in education across the county.

“We just have too much redundancy in Fayette County. If we don’t change that, unemployment is going to continue to go up,” he said. “We need to make sure that kids in Brownsville are educated the same way kids in Laurel Highlands and Uniontown are educated and vice versa. We need to give them all the same opportunities.”


Proposal would have one administration run the county's six school district

The purpose of Friday’s meeting, Mahoney said, was to formulate a plan and gather information that would be forwarded to a consultant to conduct the study. He said he hopes to move on the hiring of a consultant in the next few weeks.

“I think we owe it to the taxpayers and students to at least explore this,” said Ron Sheba of Fay-Penn Economic Development Council.


Not Enough Said:
Notice Ron Sheba, spokesman for Fay-Penn is quoted in the above article.
Here is what Ron Sheba has said, back in 2009, about Fay-Penn Economic Development Council's Strategic Plan regarding a countywide vocational technical school, and other approaches the organization wants to take...

Fayette Forward Strategic Plan

Improved communications will lead to better working relationships
Finding ways to share services and costs would greatly reduce the burden typically placed on the taxpayers

(a) Develop/operate and have all districts utilize one cyber school with the following anticipated benefits:
1) Local county control
2) Standardized cyber curriculum
3) Reduced costs (Currently, thousands of local dollars are leaving Fayette County to pay for Cyber School Education.)

(b) Work toward a common curriculum for all county schools to realize the following:
1) Would save developmental costs for all school districts
2) Input from all six districts would most likely produce a stronger/improved curriculum
3) Students who must move from one school district to another will have an easier transition
4) Cost savings through bulk purchasing of textbooks and related curriculum needs, would be realized.

(c) Each county school district could develop a magnet school for a specific discipline, for example:

Albert Gallatin………………Science
Frazier………………………. Art/Music
Laurel Highlands…………….Engineering

1) Students within the county would be able to attend any school district, to focus on their particular interest.
2) This would reduce duplication of expensive equipment and additional faculty,thus resulting in a cost savings.

(d) Develop a uniform truancy and attendance policy for the county schools.
1) This would lead to a better understanding by all students and residents

2) It would be more efficient for the many organizations and agencies, local and state, that interacts with all six school districts, i.e. Juvenile Probation, Children & Youth, Crime Victims Center, etc. As students transfer from one school district to another – there would be no excuses for not understanding the policies

(e) Establish a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Center for Fayette County.

● Operated as a consortium not directed by one school district or post-secondary school

● Utilizing resources available locally as well as the Intermediate Unit, ASSET, PA Department of Education, PA STEM Initiatives, etc.


• Every student in the county must have the opportunity to be trained in a modem career technical school delivering cutting edge training matched to employer needs.

• Most jobs today will require skills that are attainable at public secondary career technical schools.

• Career Technical Schools are a needed investment to ensure a skilled workforce for Fayette County.

• Potential jobs in Fayette County have gone unfilled because employers could not find people with needed skill sets.

• A commitment to a new Career Technical School would send a clear message that Fayette County is investing in the future workforce. This commitment would ensure Fayette County keeps up with, if not surpasses, other counties in competition for potential and lucrative jobs.
If you do not now value Career Technical Education, think about your furnace failing on a freezing winter night. Also, think about driving down the mountain and you find that the brakes on your vehicle are not working properly.

According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor statistics:

40 – 45% of all job openings in the economy will be in occupations requiring Career Technical Education.

The shortage of skilled workers will increase as baby boomers retire.

Fayette County needs a competitive workforce to attract and retain business and industry.

Obtaining skills taught in Career Technical Programs will increase the probability of higher wages.


Longitudinal studies have concluded strong pre-school programs and partnerships have
● Reduced remediation costs to school district
● Reduced Drop-out rates
● Improve school readiness and help students achieve greater academic success

Research has clearly indicated great return on investment concerning early childhood education
birth to age five.
1) Students entering Kindergarten who are at risk are likely to have difficulty in school

● Why not pick one week for all the schools in the county to do kindergarten registration
(a) Would be easy for everyone to remember
(b) More cost effective for all to advertise the same week – sharing costs and giving
broader and more frequent media coverage.

● Develop and/or revise Kindergarten registration forms to be the same
(a) Pre-K providers could have the information completed prior to kindergarten, making it easier for parents
(b) After all the State requires the same information for each school district
(c) This would involve less paperwork and less time in line during actual Kindergarten registration

● Why not the same age and specifically the same date for kindergarten entry
(a) This would eliminate many disputes and less hard feelings
(b) Clear, precise message to all parents
(c) No need to compare one district’s cutoff date to another
(d) Easier to understand and accept if all have the same cutoff date

● Students need much more help in making career selections.
(a) This will improve communication between kindergarten teachers and the Pre-K community
(b) A better working understanding of Pre-K standards and implications at the Kindergarten level
(c) School district professional development activities should include Head Start/Pre-K teachers when appropriate


This plan should have defined career paths for the state’s
identified job clusters.

High priority occupations must also be presented using the
career ladder concept.

It would be helpful and more cost-effective if each school district would adopt the same best practices, i.e., software career exploration and assessment package (Employer validations of competence at each exit point in the occupation career ladder are essential)

The validation process would be more efficient if developed as
a county. Employers would only need to go through the process one time rather than six times.

The same validation process needs to occur for entry into
post-secondary programs, be they a one, two or four-year program.

Guidance Counselors need opportunities to meet countywide
to coordinate career pathways and meet with employers.

A County-Wide College Fair would attract more post secondary
schools than individual school districts trying to compete.

Special workshops can also be offered on loans, scholarships, work experience programs, etc.

We need a person to be working with the Comprehensive
Career Guidance Plan to ensure fulfillment and continuity
with all school districts/post secondary schools and employers.

Students with a clear focus and a career objective are:
● Less likely to be discipline problems
● Less likely to miss school
● Less likely to have problems with the law and end up incarcerated
● More likely to complete high school
● Less likely to have academic problems
● More likely to contribute to society and their community

Educators In The Workforce – This gives educators actual work experience alongside skilled, knowledgeable incumbent workers in many careers
● Teacher/counselors need opportunities to explore working in various work sites to have an up-to-date understanding of various job requirements and opportunities.

● This keeps the faculty and counselors in touch with the reality of the work place.

● Improves communication with businesses and opens up opportunities to work together.

Students need the opportunity to have internship opportunities to fully appreciate and prepare for their futures. Minimally, at least job shadowing opportunities.

Encourage all residents to help mentor our youth. One easy, safe and time-efficient way is through the internet with e-mentoring.


(a) We want all students to understand that their personal education and
learning does not stop after high school.

● For career advancement each student should at least consider a pathway to a post-secondary institution.
● This could be proprietary/private technical schools or one, two or four-year formal college programs.
● Life-long learning is necessary because of changing technology and career objectives that may change.
● Increase scholarship opportunities for students using the Pittsburgh Promise and/or Kalamazoo, Michigan as models

(b) Adults who lose their jobs must have access to retraining programs.

● These can be offered by the post-secondary schools
● The Career Technical School Centers can and should be utilized for adult training.


We must ensure they are given the best educational opportunities

We must elect officials who are willing to support education even if it means increasing revenue to fully fund programs.

Do we all agree that dollars spent on education are
investments in our future?

Childhood obesity & diabetes are at very high levels in Fayette County.

Home and school are the centerpieces to alter our lifestyles.

Emphasis on Education

•Active physical activities in schools must continue.

Studies in Texas, California and Massachusetts have
revealed dramatic links between students physically fit
and positive test scores and academic achievement.

•Our schools must continue to provide healthy, nutritious
meals as well as changing the eating habits in a positive

•Establish community-based opportunities for Family walks and activities.

• Collaborative effort between schools, community agencies and parents to reduce childhood obesity which in turn will reduce childhood diabetes and other related health issues.

Does anyone here not feel that children are our most precious resource?

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Not Enough Said got a start in early May  2011

Net the Truth Online and Dare Inquire Representatives Truth  remain current sites that preceded this site.

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