Not Enough Said
Not Enough Said Requests Talk Show Host Read Standard & Poor Study
Blog Posts for April 2011
Blog Posts for May 2011
Blog Posts for June 2011
Blog Posts for July 2011
Blog posts for August 2011
Blog Posts for September 2011
Radio Talk Show Host Fails to Study School Consolidation for Fayette County Study
Not Enough Said project of: Net the Truth Online
Rep. Mahoney Reading Not Enough Said? Poses Study Could Show No Savings by Admin. Consolidation?
Fayette Special: Model for Other Power Grabbing PA State Legislators to Follow
PA Rep. Tim Mahoney Proposal to House Education Cmte Shows Goal To Wrest Local Control
County-wide School District Legislation Allows Board of Commissioners Authority to Equalize District
Not Enough Said on This Issue Site per Proposal for Fayette Vo-Tech/STEM Center
Confirmation Why Herald-Standard Didn't Question Rep. About His Advisory Committee
Plan for Countywide School District Consolidation = Fayette Forward Strategic Plan
Report PA School Consolidation Cost Effectiveness
Rep. Mahoney Claims After Consolidation Savings 15% to 20% Where We Ask?
Is Rep. Tim Mahoney About to Change Structure of School Administration All on His Own?
Herald-Standard & Rep. Tim Mahoney in League to Bait & Switch Public
Candidates for School Directors On the Fence or Supportive Urged to View Wealth of Critical Studies
Herald-Standard Disappointed School Board Candidates Not All Rosey County Consolidation
Study: consolidation of school districts into larger units leads to higher dropout rate!
We Can Hear It Now Some of my Opponents Don't Want The People To Decide
We Can Hear it Now: Are You Against the People Deciding Consolidation Choice
Report PA School Boards Association Study on Consolidation 2009
Cost Savings Claimed 2 Years Before Local Study Begins Now Claim Lowered!
Bid Process? Study Weighted to Cost-Savings Due to Results for Center & Monaca Consolidations?
Does Consolidation into Large District Save Costs?
Did Merged Districts Hold True to Standard & Poor Study: Taxes May Rise in 1 District
Merged Monaca & Center School Districts Less than 2,999 Students!
First Eliminate School Property Taxes, Candidate Says, Then We'll See @ Consolidation?
Central Valley School District: Archetype for (Fayette) County-wide Consolidation?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Students?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Rural Community?
No Public Referendum Required for Two or More School Districts to Merge
PA Economy League Report Municipal and School District Functional Mergers & Structural Consolidation
Experts Slam Consolidation Small/Medium Size Districts into Larger One
Not Enough Said Requests Talk Show Host Read Standard & Poor Study
Legislation Designed to Enable Boards of County Commissioners Power to Place Measure on Ballot
Article: PA Legislators Push Plans for School Consolidation
Fayette School Director Candidates Take Opposing View of Countywide Consolidation Plan
Get It Spot On and Don't Cover Up When You Don't
Unified Countywide School District for "Taxation Purposes"
Uniformity in the Course of Study in the Schools of the Several Grades
Rep. Mahoney Meets With Herald Standard Editorial Board
PA Dept. of Ed. Retirees Now Education Management Group Consultants to Conduct Study
Promise Local Sub-districts in Countywide School Retain Local Identity
Book of Quotes by Not Enough Said
Links per county-wide school consolidation issue
Contact Me
Stop Uniform Curriculum County-Wide School Consolidation Power Grab
Fayette County Commissioner Candidates Responses to School Regionalization Question
Tribune-Review article per PA school consolidation legislation
Article: Region to Benefit from 2 New STEM Education Centers
Herald-Standard Article: Unity between Business and Education Needed in Fayette County
Marcellus Shale Gas Program of Interest Not an Endorsement
Radio Talk Show Host: Gas Impact Concerns Citizens Demand DEP Resolve
Votefix will be providing an update soon

We request Mark Rafail, radio talk show host for WMBS 590, Uniontown, Pennsylvania read the entire Standard and Poor Report Study on the Cost-Effectiveness of Consolidating  Pennsylvania School Districts

WMBS Radio

WMBS Radio Bob took a leave of absence yesterday. The talk show will remain on the air. Mark Rafail will be hosting the show for now. Thanks for listening..

April 21 at 7:15pm
Did you know you can listen to WMBS online? Click here:

Not Enough Said:

During his 5/4/2011 radio program on WMBS 590 radio talk show host, Mark Rafail, allowed he might be supportive of consolidation of 7 local Fayette County school districts into 1 county-wide school district, in his words, if cost-savings could be shown.

It is obvious the radio talk show host has not yet read the June 2007 report by Standard and Poor, nor has he read an array of material such as that which we've copied and included on our site.

One such informative piece, "School district consolidation is a red herring" was written by Nathan A. Benefield and Fred D. Baldwin and originally published as a guest op-ed piece in theNortheast PA Business Journal.

And yes, opinions can be filled with factualities.

More of that coming on our site. 

Not Enough Said:

We started this site on May 4, 2011 specifically in response to the comments of WMBS 590 radio talk show host, Mark Rafail's remark that afternoon about his potential support for a county-wide consolidation of school districts 'should' it be shown there would be cost-savings.
He and a 'regular' caller known as Ice Man were talking about the Fay West Message Board and comments posted to that site which were made about him.  He said he had not had a chance to look at the 'blogs' and 'sites' out there, but he'd heard his name being discussed.
The radio talk show host wondered whether he had actually taken a position on the issue of school consolidation in the past couple of weeks he'd been hosting the program.
At some point, Rafail and Ice Man began to talk about the "issue" and not about him.  Ice Man noted there was some info that came out about a Standard and Poor Study and Ice Man said he'd been reading the report.  He said he was looking at it closely.
Rafail said he'd have to take a look at the report, he hadn't seen it.
The pair talked a bit more and then just as Ice Man was hanging up, Rafail made the comment he might support local county-wide school consolidation if it was shown there were 'cost-savings.'
We'd just learned also that Rafail had received a phone call from PA state Rep. Tim Mahoney who invited himself to be on the program sometime with him.
Busy posting at the Fay West Message board, on the matter of a question about regionalization of public services and schools posed to candidates for county commissioner the previous evening, we missed the self-invite.
Just to explain, it's common in blogging circles to use "we" when it is really only one person sitting in the chair, typing into the wee hours of the night or early morn, and for hours.
"We" assure you, "we" are only one person.  Many in the area remember "Dirtline" from way back going on more years than "we" care to admit, so we're pretty sure if not yet, Mark Rafail, and the state legislator who will soon be on his program, know precisely who we are.
That's not a problem.
In fact, that's why we started this site at tripod as we've been here anonymously, again, for more years than we care to ponder.
We've also been elsewhere creating websites devoted to exposing truth, and posting into the wee hours of the night to our blog... out there... another one devoted to finding truth wherever we can.
We wanted to explain a bit here because we know with certainty this site will be reviewed and reviewed again.
We want you all to know we started this site within minutes of Mark Rafail commenting as he did as we noted when we started this commentary.
Here's the 'thread' we started at the Fay West Message Board (thanks to them for the public service) after listening to the first few days-worth of the new WMBS 590 radio talk show host, Mark Rafail.

Not Enough Said:

Beware Pushers is Not Enough Said
Tue, May 03, 2011 - 2:01 PM
Beware Pushers
The new and obviously permanent radio talk show host for WMBS 590 radio station started his program sort of wondering why regulars or old-timers aren't calling the program much. After inviting them to call in and debate any issue, "Mark Rafail" admitted he's read and heard about postings about him on the Internet. (In blogs, he says) "Mark" says the websites have seemed to target him and the posts have called him a lackey and friends with political types.

"Mark" won't be commenting on these much because he says he does not care.

He also said he has many friends.

What's fascinating is "Mark" likely does not really hear himself when he talks. He's so open to debate of issues, yet on several occasions to date he's been an advocate for the following:

a new vocational-technical school as proposed by Fay-Penn

school districts locally consolidating into one county-wide district as proposed by state Rep. Tim Mahoney

Obviously, the host's mind is already made up on these issues, and whenever he talks about these issues or someone else brings them up, he will continue to be an advocate for them.

He certainly has a right to his positions on the issues, there's nothing wrong with that.

The problem is when "Mark" begins to invite guests, it is more likely than not, if he selects guests who are proponents of the above issues, there will be little questioning of them by the host.

He's already claimed it's a no-brainer consolidation of schools will result in a cost savings.

Obviously, he also has been among those who have not read Standard and Poor's report "Study of the Cost Effectiveness of Consolidating Pennsylvania's School Districts" which was commissioned by the state legislature's joint Legislative Budget and Finance Committee?

Completed and available in June, 2007, Standard and Poor's study was a comprehensive statewide analysis.

In Volume 2 of the study, the report matched districts that would produce some savings by consolidating per the parameters found in the study. In our area, Brownsville was the only such to be paired for potential cost savings, (with a smaller district outside of Fayette) and then there were other features of consolidation that would still have to be looked at because costs could actually increase via such formal consolidations!

It is highly unlikely Rep. Mahoney's $80,00 to $100,000 study will include the same objectives as those included in the study. 2007/289.pdf

this is posted in the hope, Mark Rafail takes a look at a msg where his name is mentioned, and read the entire Standard and Poor study. And that he will return to the air waves after doing so, and care.

Not Enough Said

dare 4 liberty

Not Enough Said got a start in early May  2011

Net the Truth Online and Dare Inquire Representatives Truth  remain current sites that preceded this site.

Notenough Said

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