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U.S. Rep. Ron Paul

H.R. 2139- Bill introduced by Mr. Paul--- May 15, 2003

To repeal the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

Attempt to repeal 2001
Real Election Reform? Repeal Motor Voter!
David Limbaugh
July 5, 2001

This law, officially known as the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, was enacted for the ostensible purpose of increasing voter turnout by making registration simpler. It requires states to establish voter registration procedures for federal elections so that citizens may register to vote by mail, at state and local public assistance agencies, and while applying for a driver's license. As with so many other so-called reform measures, support for the bill quickly became part of the dogma of political correctness. Anyone opposed to it was painted as discriminatory, just as opponents of campaign finance "reform" are being accused of enabling government corruption.

Many contend that the law has greatly increased voter fraud by making it difficult for state election officials to remove from the rolls dead or inactive voters, and by failing to require registrants to provide proof that they are citizens who are eligible to vote. This is a dangerous combination because it allows people to vote in the names of dead people, without ever having to produce a picture ID. Some estimate that between 2 percent and 4 percent of the votes cast in the 2000 presidential election were by non-citizens.

The Heritage Foundation's Todd Gaziano, in testimony regarding election reform before the House Committee on Rules and Administration, affirmed that Motor Voter "has helped create the most inaccurate voting rolls in history. Citizens are registered in multiple jurisdictions at the same time, and very few states have effective procedures to ensure that those registered even are citizens."

Congressman Bob Stump, R-Ariz., has proposed a bill (H.R. 189) to repeal the Motor Voter Law. A national grass-roots organization, "Americans For Repeal of the Motor Voter Law (AFRMVL)," has been formed to support Stump's bill. Sometimes it takes courage for public officials to challenge the nostrums of political correctness. Motor Voter may sound noble to some, but it could be inflicting immeasurable damage on the republic. Those interested in real election reform, as opposed to rigging the rules to stack the deck in favor of their candidates, should take a hard look at Rep. Stump's bill.

America Disenfranchised: Non-citizens Vote
Dave Eberhart,
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002

Forty-seven states do not require any proof of U.S. residence for enrollment. Motor-Voter has added and continues to add millions of people to the voting rolls.

Critics of Motor-Voter, such as the watchdog organization The United States Border Patrol, point out that when the Sept. 11 hijackers bought their one-way tickets to California, they identified themselves with driver's licenses from New Jersey, Michigan, Virginia and Florida documents that could have gotten them voting privileges in the very nation they sought to destroy

newsmax article

Rep. Bob Stump (R-Ariz.) has introduced real election reformhis H.R. 189 would repeal the so-called Motor Voter Law

Revisiting Motor Voter Law
League of Women Voters Education Fund

A Citizen's Guide to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993