Information and resources will be provided on the issue of election fraud, and the potential for abuse of computerized
voting machines, in particular, manipulation of votes, tampering with votes, redirection of votes by various means.
Vote Fix relies on the information provided by experts in the computer science fields, citizen activists who have conducted
long-standing investigations of voter fraud, and over and above all, common sense.
Numerous states' election district boards have already implemented new electronic voting machines known as "touch screen"
machines. Computer scientists have warned of the potential for abuse of these types of machines. Before our local
Fayette County board of commissioners opt to replace our lever-style voting machines with touch screen machines, they
have an opportunity to consider the facts concerning the acknowledged potential for fraud by reviewing the research of these
scientists, including obtaining research papers from Rebecca Mercuri, David Dill's, and others.
Taking a break from watchdogging
Rigged elections
Rigged elections are possible only because citizens are on vacation rather than involving themselves in studying the
issues and learning of the pitfalls of computerized voting machines.
don't think voter fraud can happen in your town?
Search the internet for Fayette County and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Use terms: voter fraud, election fraud, absentee ballot fraud and see what pops up
Mercuri and other computer science experts are being called paranoid.
Just for showing how computerized touchscreen voting machines can be rigged.