In researching the issue of countywide school consolidation as proposed by PA state Rep. Tim Mahoney, we have had cause
to focus heavily on Fay-Penn Economic Development Council and its Strategic Plan for Fayette County known interchangeably
as Fayette Forward and Vision 20/20.
It is our opinion, a strong opinion, that Rep. Mahoney's Plan is not only inclusive of the approach to education Fay-Penn
takes, one larger unified approach, with a call for one cyber school, one vocational-technical school, and recommendation
toward uniform curriculum. Rep. Mahoney's Plan and Fay-Penn's Strategic Plan are undeniably one and the same.
Not Enough Said:
We are taking some time to explore Rep. Tim Mahoney's newsmaking comments here:
Mahoney said EMG was selected to perform the study because both Boyer and Stainbrook are already familiar with the county's
districts, having performed independent studies in each in the past.
"I think that brings a little credibility and more fluency where we can try to do this study in an open and honest way
to get the honest numbers to show what the honest outcome will be," Mahoney said"
We are taken with what isn't said, and that's why we are here.
And that's why we are highlighting this page: PA Dept. of Ed. Retirees Now Education Management Group
Consultants to Conduct Study
Rep. Tim Mahoney's HB 351 needs further attention as we discuss on the site.
The measure is not designed exclusively for 'Administrative' consolidation purposes as we discuss here.
The legislation is unable to mandate any budget cuts for existing teacher salary contracts, and Rep.
Mahoney has already mentioned salaries would be equalized across the countywide district. We know where that is
The measure cannot guarantee once the independent districts are consolidated into one countywide governing body, they
will indeed keep local identity. Rep. Mahoney has already mentioned "some schools will be closed."
The measure cannot guarantee costs per pupil will decrease as a result of consolidation of smaller districts into one
larger unit. Rep. Mahoney fails to mention the Standard and Poor Study and its breakdown of when costs rise.