Not Enough Said:
Answer No, we are not against the people deciding whether or not their local school district should formally consolidate
with another district in the area, or one outside the county.
The people can already decide this by demanding their local school board directors consider the matter under current
law and legalities for such consolidation.
Also taxpayers can urge school districts to join together in ventures such as bulk purchasing, and across-district health
care trusts, if districts have not already engaged in those.
Some in Fayette County, for instance, are already sharing some services and supply purchasing.
More on that in an upcoming page.
It will be: Are you against "the People" deciding whether or not to consolidate school districts?
the situation is this however.
The People already decide who their elected school board members are by elections of directors every 4 years.
Those directors in turn can already adopt a joint consolidation plan with another school district in or out of the county.
Such has been admitted to already have happened in Pennsylvania recently.