Not Enough Said
We Can Hear it Now: Are You Against the People Deciding Consolidation Choice
Blog Posts for April 2011
Blog Posts for May 2011
Blog Posts for June 2011
Blog Posts for July 2011
Blog posts for August 2011
Blog Posts for September 2011
Radio Talk Show Host Fails to Study School Consolidation for Fayette County Study
Not Enough Said project of: Net the Truth Online
Rep. Mahoney Reading Not Enough Said? Poses Study Could Show No Savings by Admin. Consolidation?
Fayette Special: Model for Other Power Grabbing PA State Legislators to Follow
PA Rep. Tim Mahoney Proposal to House Education Cmte Shows Goal To Wrest Local Control
County-wide School District Legislation Allows Board of Commissioners Authority to Equalize District
Not Enough Said on This Issue Site per Proposal for Fayette Vo-Tech/STEM Center
Confirmation Why Herald-Standard Didn't Question Rep. About His Advisory Committee
Plan for Countywide School District Consolidation = Fayette Forward Strategic Plan
Report PA School Consolidation Cost Effectiveness
Rep. Mahoney Claims After Consolidation Savings 15% to 20% Where We Ask?
Is Rep. Tim Mahoney About to Change Structure of School Administration All on His Own?
Herald-Standard & Rep. Tim Mahoney in League to Bait & Switch Public
Candidates for School Directors On the Fence or Supportive Urged to View Wealth of Critical Studies
Herald-Standard Disappointed School Board Candidates Not All Rosey County Consolidation
Study: consolidation of school districts into larger units leads to higher dropout rate!
We Can Hear It Now Some of my Opponents Don't Want The People To Decide
We Can Hear it Now: Are You Against the People Deciding Consolidation Choice
Report PA School Boards Association Study on Consolidation 2009
Cost Savings Claimed 2 Years Before Local Study Begins Now Claim Lowered!
Bid Process? Study Weighted to Cost-Savings Due to Results for Center & Monaca Consolidations?
Does Consolidation into Large District Save Costs?
Did Merged Districts Hold True to Standard & Poor Study: Taxes May Rise in 1 District
Merged Monaca & Center School Districts Less than 2,999 Students!
First Eliminate School Property Taxes, Candidate Says, Then We'll See @ Consolidation?
Central Valley School District: Archetype for (Fayette) County-wide Consolidation?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Students?
What is the Impact of Consolidation (into larger district) on Rural Community?
No Public Referendum Required for Two or More School Districts to Merge
PA Economy League Report Municipal and School District Functional Mergers & Structural Consolidation
Experts Slam Consolidation Small/Medium Size Districts into Larger One
Not Enough Said Requests Talk Show Host Read Standard & Poor Study
Legislation Designed to Enable Boards of County Commissioners Power to Place Measure on Ballot
Article: PA Legislators Push Plans for School Consolidation
Fayette School Director Candidates Take Opposing View of Countywide Consolidation Plan
Get It Spot On and Don't Cover Up When You Don't
Unified Countywide School District for "Taxation Purposes"
Uniformity in the Course of Study in the Schools of the Several Grades
Rep. Mahoney Meets With Herald Standard Editorial Board
PA Dept. of Ed. Retirees Now Education Management Group Consultants to Conduct Study
Promise Local Sub-districts in Countywide School Retain Local Identity
Book of Quotes by Not Enough Said
Links per county-wide school consolidation issue
Contact Me
Stop Uniform Curriculum County-Wide School Consolidation Power Grab
Fayette County Commissioner Candidates Responses to School Regionalization Question
Tribune-Review article per PA school consolidation legislation
Article: Region to Benefit from 2 New STEM Education Centers
Herald-Standard Article: Unity between Business and Education Needed in Fayette County
Marcellus Shale Gas Program of Interest Not an Endorsement
Radio Talk Show Host: Gas Impact Concerns Citizens Demand DEP Resolve
Votefix will be providing an update soon

Not Enough Said:
Answer No, we are not against the people deciding whether or not their local school district should formally consolidate with another district in the area, or one outside the county. 
The people can already decide this by demanding their local school board directors consider the matter under current law and legalities for such consolidation.
Also taxpayers can urge school districts to join together in ventures such as bulk purchasing, and across-district health care trusts, if districts have not already engaged in those.
Some in Fayette County, for instance, are already sharing some services and supply purchasing. 
More on that in an upcoming page.

Not Enough Said:

We can hear the continued question that will be posed to those who oppose Rep. Mahoney's legislation which by design is to amend the Act (of March 10, 1949) to enable boards of county commissioners, by majority vote, to adopt the resolution for the ballot question to then be placed as a referendum question on an upcoming Election ballot.

It will be: Are you against "the People" deciding whether or not to consolidate school districts?

the situation is this however.

The People already decide who their elected school board members are by elections of directors every 4 years.

Those directors in turn can already adopt a joint consolidation plan with another school district in or out of the county.

Such has been admitted to already have happened in Pennsylvania recently.

Central Valley School District: Archetype for (Fayette) County-wide Consolidation?

Locally, as well though I don't have the info handy right now, school districts have entered into cost-savings arrangements via bulk purchasing, etc.

Should citizens demand more of this, or further consolidation between Fayette County schools, they can already elect those school board members to office who see it their way.

The reason this legislation has come 'round is because Gov. Ed Rendell's proposed mandated consolidation idea, to take the 500 separate PA school districts and consolidate them down to 100, did not sit well with much of anybody. (the exception being some newspaper editorial writers)

The "much of anybody" included the PA School Boards Assoc. who had completed a study of cost-savings and impact of formal consolidation on quality of education.   (Hint.  It wasn't all that rosey)

The "much of anybody" included those who had already read and absorbed the findings in the Standard and Poor Study on Cost-Effectiveness of Consolidating Pennsylvania School Districts.

The "much of anybody" included experts who've managed to blast the idea that mandated consolidation of small school, or medium-sized schools would result in immediate or long-lasting cost-savings.

Studies have clearly shown the potential for some savings but also shown these savings can be gleaned by not consolidating but joining in other ways to bulk purchase, health care trusts, etc.

See Standard and Poor's Study

Studies have shown, Standard and Poor, cost-savings obtained from consolidating school districts could be had when school districts so merged do not result in student enrollment over 2,999.  The study also points out in consolidated schools, the closing of some schools results in higher transportation costs, and other costs.

Studies have shown a drop out rate increase in what were smaller rural schools into larger consolidated schools as well.

The PA General Assembly members are well aware of the studies and the critics of mandated consolidation.

So former Gov. Rendell's proposal was dead-on-arrival.

Along comes another means to not really "mandate" consolidation, but to further consolidate our public schools into "larger" constructs.

Larger, meaning, bigger, meaning bigger government.

That is what Rep. Tim Mahoney's legislation is all about.

All on the public dole, all on the taxpayers' hard-earned dime = bigger government that is even more difficult to constrain as we are seeing in our lifetimes with fill-in-the-blank trillion dollar debt/deficit ridden federal government.

Actually, one would think there would be huge public school union support for bigger schools but maybe even they realize the sky is not the limit for PA's state budget, and if costs not only tend to rise in larger school districts, they do rise in larger school districts as studies have shown, then (Gov. Rendell's) mandated consolidation is going to necessitate property tax increases across the consolidated school district.

Maybe more than one might think have also taken into consideration this from authors Nathan A. Benefield and Fred D. Baldwin

"Why would consolidation fail to achieve the cost savings Gov. Rendell hopes for?

While measures such as bulk purchasing and cross-district health trusts are sensible cost-savings measures, these can already occur without consolidation.

It's possible that some administrative savings might materialize, but it won't help that some superintendents will become "assistant superintendents" and others will expect large raises.

The notion that larger districts have fewer administrators per pupil runs counter to experience.

The single largest school cost item (about half of every district's budget) is teacher salaries and benefits.

These would become standardized over the newly merged districts. Does anyone believe that salaries will be standardized at any level lower than the highest prevailing in the county?" sid=20272562&BRD=2231&PAG=461& amp;dept_id=447593&rfi=6

The People can already decide in those independent school districts by their vote to replace school board directors who give away taxpayers' monies to exhorbitant salaries of Administrators, Superintendents, Teachers, Salaries, and generous retirement packages.

That they don't change school board directors often with different directors may be telling as well.

There is no guarantee in a larger consolidated school district the same would not occur, that is, school directors in a county-wide school would retain the positions over several election cycles.  There is really far less competition to be had because each of 6 or 7 sub-districts would elect only 1 director.

As the authors of "School District Consolidation is a Red Herring" say: greater transparency is what is needed.

"As long as school board directors can negotiate contracts in secret and vote on them without any chance for public comment, it hardly matters whether the district represents a small area or a large county.

If cost savings is truly a goal for Pennsylvania schools, a good first step would be greater transparency." sid=20272562&BRD=2231&PAG=461& amp;dept_id=447593&rfi=6

That is additionally where citizens can hold their elected school board members accountable.

And if that is what they want to do, they do not need Rep. Tim Mahoney's countywide consolidation of school districts legislation to help them do it.

Demand greater transparency.

We don't need a referendum of county voters on altering the independent school districts in Fayette County to get that.

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