We started this site on May 4, 2011 specifically in response to the comments of WMBS 590 radio talk show host, Mark Rafail's
remark that afternoon about his potential support for a county-wide consolidation of school districts 'should' it be shown
there would be cost-savings.
He and a 'regular' caller known as Ice Man were talking about the Fay West Message Board and comments posted to that
site which were made about him. He said he had not had a chance to look at the 'blogs' and 'sites' out there, but he'd
heard his name being discussed.
The radio talk show host wondered whether he had actually taken a position on the issue of school consolidation in the
past couple of weeks he'd been hosting the program.
At some point, Rafail and Ice Man began to talk about the "issue" and not about him. Ice Man noted there was some
info that came out about a Standard and Poor Study and Ice Man said he'd been reading the report. He said he was looking
at it closely.
Rafail said he'd have to take a look at the report, he hadn't seen it.
The pair talked a bit more and then just as Ice Man was hanging up, Rafail made the comment he might support local county-wide
school consolidation if it was shown there were 'cost-savings.'
We'd just learned also that Rafail had received a phone call from PA state Rep. Tim Mahoney who invited himself to be
on the program sometime with him.
Busy posting at the Fay West Message board, on the matter of a question about regionalization of public services and
schools posed to candidates for county commissioner the previous evening, we missed the self-invite.
Just to explain, it's common in blogging circles to use "we" when it is really only one person sitting in the chair,
typing into the wee hours of the night or early morn, and for hours.
"We" assure you, "we" are only one person. Many in the area remember "Dirtline" from way back going on more years
than "we" care to admit, so we're pretty sure if not yet, Mark Rafail, and the state legislator who will soon be on his program,
know precisely who we are.
That's not a problem.
In fact, that's why we started this site at tripod as we've been here anonymously, again, for more years than we care
to ponder.
We've also been elsewhere creating websites devoted to exposing truth, and posting into the wee hours of the night to
our blog... out there... another one devoted to finding truth wherever we can.
We wanted to explain a bit here because we know with certainty this site will be reviewed and reviewed again.
We want you all to know we started this site within minutes of Mark Rafail commenting as he did as we noted when we started
this commentary.
Here's the 'thread' we started at the Fay West Message Board (thanks to them for the public service) after listening
to the first few days-worth of the new WMBS 590 radio talk show host, Mark Rafail.