In response to a question regarding the regionalization of public services and school districts, Lohr said he is against
big government and that regionalization tends to give more power to the government.
Lohr said Fayette County already has a regional police department, which is the sheriff’s office, and that more power
needs to be given to the sheriff’s office.
Cellurale said she believes in the regionalization of public services and schools, noting that it would save money and
benefit the middle-class taxpayer.
Zimmerlink said the consolidation of public services and schools is not under the purview of a county commissioner but
that she does believe in the elimination and consolidation of certain county government offices.
Vicites also said commissioners don’t have the authority to consolidate public services and schools but that he is
a large proponent of regionalization.
Zapotosky said he thinks regionalization of public services can work to some degree and that it can be done in a way that
allows groups to maintain their own identity while sharing funds and equipment.
He said school consolidations should be put on a referendum so that voters can decide for themselves what is best.
Ambrosini said regionalization is proven to have worked in law enforcement and that it needs to be considered.