Not Enough Said:
Will all sub-districts' taxes go up for instance should the consortium or authority running the unified school district
determine one vocational-techicnical school is all that is needed, one that costs $50 million to build? Will taxpayers
in all sub-districts of the larger unified consolidated district have to pay for a bond that might be floated by the authority
or consortium managing the vo-tech i.e. STEM Center?
Why it just so happens, there is already a push by Fay-Penn Economic Development Council for just such a STEM Center...
since at least 2008.
Pittsburgh region to benefit from two new STEM education centers
The Pittsburgh
Public Schools’ new Science and Technology Academy magnet school plans to open in the fall of 2009. Another center is
in the preliminary phase, a $40 million vocational career center that will replace the Fayette Area Vocational-Technical School
in Georges Township. The center would be built in the University Technology Park next to Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus.
centers, if the Fayette center is approved, will be two of 100 secondary schools promoting science education nationwide through
the federal Stem Center Grant Program.
...Ron Sheba, manager of the Fay-Penn Economic Development Council, notes:
“What will make this development unique is it will not only address STEM education, but it will be a STEM center for
research and training as well as offer the business sector a space for business development and training.”