During a forum sponsored by the Herald-Standard newspaper and HSTV, (rebroadcast Saturday) candidates for commissioner
of Fayette County were asked whether they are satified with the county's lead economic development group, Fay Penn Economic
Development Council... unfortunately none were asked during the forum a follow-up question about Fay Penn's handling of Keystone
Opportunity Zones in the area, for instance, how many new companies have moved into the county to receive the tax-exemptions,
how much acreage does Fay Penn own which are KOZ designated, or even whether they think the KOZs are fair or unfair... They
weren't even asked a follow-up question about the role the county should have in local economic development.
The next question was from Herald-Standard editiorial page editor about the state's open records.
A previous question was about whether the candidates supported countywide zoning. A follow-up question could have
been asked about that.
Instead came the useless question about open records, which is currently being considered in the state House and Senate.
What would be expected as an answer - they don't think records should be open any further.
Answers to Are you satisfied with Fay Penn?
Vincent Zapotosky Not satisfied. Would hold them more accountable, request quarterly reports from them, stronger
relationship between county and them, and more active county presence in economic development.
Angela Zimmerlink Not solely satisfied. they have given reports to the county. No one here can take the lead
on economic development, Fay Penn can't, it's in the hands of the private sector, and government should just get out of the
Marilyn Cellurale not qualified to answer whether she's satisfied with Fay Penn Economic Development Council. She's
concerned about jobs, and the county needs educated youth to fill the jobs Fay Penn would bring in... the big companies are
not there any more we have to rely on ourselves, cut the taxes, remove the zoning laws... has talked to a few of them, would
be willing to work with them, however.
Charmaine Sampson a member of Fay Penn board since last year... former employer Robert Eberly started Fay Penn, there
since it was born, and worked with them, thinks they work very hard there... understands private industry and taxes, but we
have to have promotion of the county for development..
Vincent Vicites thinks Fay Penn has done satisfactory job created a revolving loan fund of ten million and that has grown
and helps the county grow. County has tried to take the lead with the strategic plan. Route 40 Business Park started
as a result of the plan. He tries to sell the county and work with businesses and employers to come here. The
county gives them no allocation and they've had successes. Hunter Alloy, Dynamic Materials... Commissioners do have
to stay active with that effort and with the Business Park and County Redevelopment Authority.
(Net the Truth Online)
Fayette commission hopefuls address issues
By Amy Zalar, Herald-Standard
Updated 10/15/2007 12:06:04
(Editor's note: This is the first in a two-part series)The five candidates seeking to be members of the next board
of Fayette County commissioners differ on questions such as countywide zoning, economic development and a new hotel tax, but
agree on the need for open records in government.
The candidates recently outlined their platforms during a taped-for-HSTV session with the Herald-Standard editorial board,
answering questions a variety of topics.
The three women and two men whose names will appear on the Nov. 6 ballot include two Democrats with incumbent Vincent
A. Vicites and challenger Vincent Zapotosky; two Republicans with incumbent Angela M. Zimmerlink and challenger Charmaine
Sampson and independent candidate Marilyn Cellurale.
Three commissioners will be elected but voters can only select two names.
Commission candidates' election stances outlined
By Amy Zalar, Herald-Standard
Updated 10/16/2007
12:06:04 AM EDT