Legislation allows for Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ) rhymes with OZ
(it does, really, the acronym rhymes with OZ - that should have been a hint to taxpayers who still have to pay up or
face loss of house, business, livelihood, community status)
First Expansion = KOEZ
(another hint, EZ)
(YES, VIRGINIA, they get job creation tax credits, too)
the Act ( House Bill 2498 PN 4208 or Act 119 of 2000) provides for Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax, Alternative Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax, Mutual Thrift Institutions
Tax and Insurance Premiums Tax credit relief provisions that will increase the likelihood for financial and insurance institutions
to locate in a designated area. Also, the Act provides for a job creation tax credit for certain utility companies that otherwise
did not receive full KOZ tax relief to enhance their incentive to locate on one of the designated areas.
Told you - expanded until 2028
Keystone Opportunity Zone and Expansion Zone Act; "improvement subzone," defining and authorization; applications; review;
criteria; qualified businesses; decertification; adding to various tax provisions; State tax credits; recapture; code compliance;
act expiration date, extending to December 31, 2018 (Amend 1998 P.L.705, No.92) SB1478 (Act 217,`02)
Keystone Opportunity Zone and Expansion Zone Act; zone authorization; additional expansion subzones; application; review;
authorization criteria; qualified businesses; tax credit determination; act expiration date, extending to December 31, 2028
(Amend 1998 P.L.705, No.92) SB1478
Keystone Opportunity Zone and Expansion Zone Act; zone authorization, program duration dates, changing (Amend 1998 P.L.705,
No.92) SB1223 HB2543
Keystone Opportunity Zone and Expansion Zone Act; zones authorizing, review by Community and Economic Development Department
(Amend 1998 P.L.705, No.92) HB2880
Keystone Opportunity Zone and Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone Act; boundaries, alter (Amend 1998 P.L.705, No.92) SB1586