Not Enough Said @ This

Suspicious Pretense by Chairman Ambrosini of 58 Acre vs Less Fay-Penn Development Park Acquisition

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While it was a given that there would be no reconsideration or tabling of purchasing acreage at the Dunbar Industrial Park from Fay-Penn Economic Development Council to construct a new county jail, County Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini gave a pretty flimsy reason to support a purchase of some 58 acres of property zoned for light-industrial use over a bare-bones amount such as the 3 acres a citizen claimed was all that was needed.

According to the Tribune-Review, in response to a citizen's question about the need for 58 acres rather than the three-acres on which the new facility would be located, Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini responded as follows:

“The owner chooses not to sell it piece by piece,” Ambrosini replied.

The article includes mention of a referendum petition the Prison Referendum Group had circulated and another citizen chastised the two majority Democrat colleagues who voted in favor of the purchase and the location.

Terry Kriss, co-owner of the historic Meason House, less than 800 feet away from the proposed jail site, said he had polled the majority of the Mt. Braddock residential and business community. “Everyone signed that petition,” he said.

“It should never be permitted in an industrial park, taking up 58 acres of prime, tax-generating property intended for private investment and business growth,” Kriss said.

Inflection and tone of voice can make all the difference in the true meaning of Mr. Kriss's words, surely spoken in jest, as the property owner and his wife reportedly said at a commissioner's meeting they would never have remained silent when Fay-Penn sought a zoning change from agricultural to light industrial for the property but 8oo feet from an edge of their historic property, had they known the commissioners were eyeing it for a new prison complex.

Why did Fay-Penn seek the zoning change for its newly acquired property a few years back if not to develop blighted property into property with sufficient infrastructure to sell off to private business and industry outfits? That was the promise years back when Fay-Penn was formed as a non-profit, charity, by the way, for economic development projects to attract new employers into the county riddled with undeveloped and low taxation acreage sitting idle in what could become burgeoning business and industrial parks.

It is unbelievable that Fay-Penn Economic Development Council would seek to sell 58 acres rather than 3 acres to the county since a subdivision of the 58 acres would still remain for future development purposes.

Oh, what's that, the organization that is non-profit cannot find a buyer for more acreage after visits by the Department of Environmental Protection has been reportedly ongoing for several years due to potentially unmanageable and continued problems of alleged sinkholes and the like in other sections of the property sold off to private businesses?  Some of whom have moved out of the industrial park as well allegedly due to flooding issues on property they, too, purchased from Fay-Penn at top-dollar prices?



think about it