Where are the numerous studies that justify construction of a spanking brand new building in order
to begin and maintain any programs intended for county jail inmates that attempt to address the recognized
problem of repeat offenders?
Sketch of proposed $33 million complex available only to Prison Working Group?
Officials see sketch of planned jail Tribune-Review
(Greensburg, PA) - 11/22/2013 Nov. 22--The first conceptual sketch of a $32 million
jail planned for Fayette County was shown on Thursday to the
prison working group. The group settled on a name for the facility -- Fayette County Justice and Rehabilitation Center...
.. In
settling on a name for the new jail, Ambrosini said he wanted to keep the word "jail" out of the name. "The name should
reflect what we're doing inside the facility," Ambrosini said, noting the various programs aimed at recidivism that are to
be implemented at the new jail