Fayette County Justice and Rehabilitation Center Potential Sites 1.
City of Uniontown, current Fayette County Prison, 3.44 acres.
2. City of
Uniontown, Route 21 Army Reserve Center, 6.5 acres.
3. Luzerne Township at the
State Correctional Institution at Fayette, next to state prison.
4. Luzerne
Township near Maxwell Dam along Monongahela River, 60 acres.
5. Franklin Township
between Route 201 and Youghiogheny River.
6. German Township at intersection
of Routes 21 and 166.
7. Dunbar Township on 80 Acres Road, 30-35 acres.
8. Dunbar Township on Airway Inn Road, 69 acres.
Dunbar and North Union Township Airport, 30 county-owned acres.
10. Dunbar
and North Union Township near Route 119, acres vary.
11. North
Union Township on Connellsville Street, 30 acres near old state police station.
North Union Township on Route 51 near Phillips, 47 acres.
13. Georges Township
near Rubles Mill, 90 acres.
14. Georges Township along Mon/Fayette Expressway
(Toll Road 43), 29 acres.
15. Georges Township along expressway, 110 acres.
16. North Union Township, near Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, 32 acres.
17. Westmoreland County, state prison closed by Department of Corrections.
18. Dunbar Township fairgrunds, 77 county-owned acres.
Dunlap Creek Park in Menallen and German townships, 120 county-owned acres.
Georges Township near Fairchance, 40 acres