We could just scream listening to Rep. Mike Rogers spouting off about those citizens of the United States who want to
see a gruesome photo of bin Laden's non-bullet-proof head.
During his interview with Bill Hemmer on the Fox News Network, Rogers actually said the same conspiracy theorists who
want to view a photo of a deceased Osama bin Laden are the same conspiracy theorists who believe George W. Bush "had something
to do with 9/11."
It's not that the statement is untrue.
It very likely is true as some huge amount of polled respondents were not convinced the 9/11 Official story is true as
true could be.
But for those who've never researched the official 9/11 story down to its bones, why shouldn't regular Americans be questioning
everything and seek the transparency from government we are not only due, but must demand or else we are complicit in potentially
a corrupt government by our silence?
The 9/11 Commission's Report on 9/11 remains, absolutely remains, incomplete.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were not interviewed on the record. No transcript of their testimony to the Commission
was ever made public.
The public wants the testimony. Citizens deserve to have seen the videotape of the interview with President and Vice
President, but none will ever be forthcoming from any Executive Branch Administration of the United States. Maybe wikileaks
will get hold of it one day, we can only hope.
Questioning is not charging George W. Bush had something to do with 9/11.
That would come later after a thorough investigation that's cost millions of dollars revealed that to be true.
It just looks suspicious when the 9/11 Commission whose mission it was to find out everything they could about what happened
that day has not released the Bush/Cheney interview session and many other avenues of investigation just fell by the wayside.
Now for another Administration, one that promised transparency to not release a photograph of a deceased bin Laden. What
is the big deal with doing that?
Fact is, we'd be among those who want to see the same thing the President and his cabinet and who all else got to watch
in real-time with live-feed as it was happening there in Pakistan.
But as it turns out, according to Paul Craig Roberts, there was no real-time live feed to view, and there is no
such video of the event of the real-time assassination of Osama bin Laden.
And we along with others are proud to put after this column: ????? Developing... checking... verifying
No mention real-time live-feed untrue
The Slippery Story of the bin Laden Kill May 3, 2011 http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/05/the-slippery-story-of-the-bin-laden-kill/238261/