Interesting Reason opinion
The original video shows closeup of Bush being told a second plane hit the world trade center.
It also shows the teacher was finished with the first portion of the class demonstration, and was actually in transition
to beginning reading the story about the pet goat.
President Bush had an opportunity to state he had to cut his visit short, leave the class, and begin to act as Commander-in
Video from variety orgs
captures Bush expressions frame by frame
My opinion... the boy in the room who said that Bush's face sort of turned red was not observing Bush when
Card whispered in his ear, but later at the time another individual approached Bush and indicated it was time to leave, exit,
finish... Bush's face more likely turned red then...
"his face just sort of turned red said Tyler Radkey..."
ZAHN: Still ahead on this very special night President Bush sends a message to the class he was visiting on 9/11 in Florida,
and don't forget we're planning live coverage of the president's Oval Office address to the nation coming up at the top of
the hour. We'll be right back.
ZAHN: The Pentagon tonight, as our special report on the fifth
anniversary of 9/11 continues. Those beams of light reflecting the loss of the 184 victims there five years ago.
the president first got word that the nation was under attack during a visit to a Florida grade school. Our John Zarrella
went back to that same school and found the children's memories of that moment stronger than ever.
ZARRELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): For seventh grader Tyler Radkey and high school sophomore Steve Rigell, football
practice on a steamy summer afternoon is a long, long way removed from that moment in time in history they were a part of
five years ago.
TYLER RADKEY, THEN 2ND GRADER: I remember shaking his hand and reading to him and being really close
to him.
STEVE RIGELL, THEN 5TH GRADER: There was a bunch of vans with satellites attached to them, different news
stations were everywhere.
ZARRELLA: President Bush had come to Emma Booker elementary school in Sarasota, Florida
to talk about education and to hear the children read. It was the morning of September 11th.
OF THE UNITED STATES: Nice to meet everybody.
ZARRELLA: As he walked into teacher Kay Daniels' second grade classroom
at 9:00 a.m., the president was already aware a plane had struck the World Trade Center.
BUSH: I want to thank you
ZARRELLA: For the first few minutes, everything seemed fine. The children read. The president smiled. At 9:05,
Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered in the president's ear, "a second plane had hit the towers."
Emotionally, he left. He was supposed to pick up his book because we was getting ready to read the story, and it took him
a while to pick up the book, because he was gone.
But he came back. And I always say he came back for the children
and he came back for our nation.
ZARRELLA: Tyler Radkey and Natalia Pinkney (ph) were in the classroom.
When his staff member walked up to him and was talking to him, his face just turned red.
of knew something bad was happening, but I didn't really understand it...
Agree with this part of the viewpoint expressed
Why Stay?
The reason given why Bush didn't leave as soon as Card told him the news is: "Without all the facts at hand, George Bush
had no intention of upsetting the schoolchildren who had come to read for him." [MSNBC, 10/29/02] Advisor Karl Rove said, "The President thought for a second or two about getting up and walking out of the room. But the
drill was coming to a close and he didn't want to alarm the children." [ABC, 9/11/02] This excuse is patently absurd, given the security risks and importance of Bush being informed and making decisions as Commander
in Chief. Nor was the drill coming to a close: one drill had ended and another was about to begin - it was a perfect time
to simply say, "Excuse me" and leave the room...
9/11 Truth: Alleged Hijackers Were Assets Of U.S. Government