Citizen Mom domain http://www.flyservers.com/members5/citizenmom.com/ Citizen Mom's Blog (one of them) http://citizenmom.blogdrive.com ever willing to share opinions Still tracking truth: Discrepancy 9/11 Watch: History Channel, Monday, November 7, 2005 documentary on the 9/11 Hijackers, Inside the Hamburg Cell the documentary presented a coded "message" which they claim said lollipop - a slash - two branches The meaning was 9/11 History Channelsearch documentary list However, the September 11 Commission page 266 has this message reversed in its report. There are more such discrepancies and puzzlements Citizen Mom is investigating. The Patriot Act. Congress has until December 2005 to reauthorize and expand the Patriot Act. The Senate and House versions are different. There is still time to have input from all concerned. Make your voice heard. Contact Congress now. Don't be mesmerized by all of the focus on Avian flu throughout the media, including C-Span. Update: FBI mines records of ordinary Americans Under Patriot Act, feds probe lives of residents not alleged to be terrorists Nov. 6, 2005By Barton Gellman October 24, 2005, C-Span guest Geoffrey Levy of Trust for america's health takes a comment from a caller warning about gassed fish check it out today C-Span Washington Journal guest, March 12, 2004, Professor Michael Barkun. His book, A Culture of Conspiracy. Discussion of the topic on Dick Gordon Show at the connection.org Originally Aired: 1/2/2002 Click on the links for my blogs or copy urls into browser to start or add to a discussion of these fascinating topics, and more. http://conspirannoyya.blogdrive.com where we control the controllers by reverse psychology http://citizenmom.blogdrive.com citizenmom.blogdrive The United States is a republic, not a representative democracy. The Framers of the Constitution never called us a democracy, and it is a republican form of government guaranteed to each of the individual states. A republic if you can keep it Beware an option that has historically been opposed, nevertheless, movements have existed since the ratification of the 1789 Constitution: a call by states for a Second (federal) Constitutional Convention. This issue keeps raising its shackles and there is even a modern replacement constitution. Beware second conventionthat can use precedent to alter our form of government, a "republic" "if you can keep it." Turning to a state issue that should keep us on our toes, Pennsylvania state legislators voted themselves a hefty payraise in the early morning hours of July 7, 2005 with no debate. Taxpayers legitimately are outraged. However, beware, many are using this issue to rally the public around not simply throwing the payjacker incumbents OUT of office, but are calling for a Pennsylvania (state) constitutional convention. the Pennsylvania Constitution Some links on this issue Sunday, August 14, 2005, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau State legislative payraise furor not going away http://postgazette.com/pg/05226/553827.stm Quote excerpt Message Delivered, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review October 23, 2005 While all of us are legitimately angry with the legislators who ignored the Pennsylvania constitution to pass legislation that included "unvouchered expense accounts" allowing the legislators to opt into taking the salary increase during the current term of office rather than waiting until 2006, we need to step back and ask a few questions. Would a convention alter the uniformity of taxation clause in the PA Constitution? The clause was left untouched during the 1967 Convention, but there is no guarantee it would not be altered to permit graduated income taxation, and the like, and/or make such unconstitutional legislation such as Keystone Opportunity Zones, constitutional. More questions need to be asked before the PA public is asked to ok such a convention, whether the convention be deemed limited, or not. Check Tribune Review Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Bush seeks to federalize emergencies: Beware. Beware: Bush seeks to federalize emergencies Excerpt: "Using the military in domestic law enforcement is generally a very bad idea," said Timothy Edgar, national security policy counsel for the ACLU. "I'm afraid that it will have unforeseen consequences for civil liberties. |
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Follow the links there or go directly to Citizen Mom's Issues from hereIssues from the Homefront by Citizen Mom citizenmom.com is an enterprise of Dare Inquire Representatives Truth. My other sites include: Patriot Get Inline Or else This is not a conspiracy theoryGeorge W. Bush seated in classroom in Florida on morning of September 11, 2001 Truth On-Line Vote Fix Tracking election issues Wake-Up PA's tax free zones |